Friday, July 6, 2007

today's THOUGHTS

The greatest handicap - Fear
The best day - Today
Hardest thing to do - To begin
Easiest thing to do - Finding faults
Most useless asset - Pride
Most useful asset - Humility
Most disagreeable person - The complainer
Great need - Common sense
Meanest feeling - Regret at another's success
Best gift - Forgiveness
The hardest & most painful to accept - Defeat
The greatest knowledge - Experience
The greatest thing - LOVE
The greatest success in the world - PEACE OF MIND


Soe Moe said...

welcome again to the blogger's world. Very nice thoughts and thanks for sharing with us. Have a great day.

diLo said...

Thank Q you ko soe moe!
for the welcome and encouraging words!

I am not sure if i am sharing thigns with you guys coz this is a veery very low profile site :P