Monday, July 23, 2007

Once Broken..

i've learnt that ..
once whatever tanglible or untangible thing is broken, it is considered beyond the "before-condition", beyond repair, beyond hope! of course, the common and usual slogan would be "once broken considered sold" which often could be found in gift shops next to fragile stuffs!
no matter how much time and effort is spent on getting it back to its originility, nothing can be the same ever again. even if the repair is perfectly altered, nothing will ever be the same as before...

i have paid a high price to learn the fact that relationships, once "broken", can never be "repaired".. even if it is a miniature crack

Changes are inevitable but for a broken relationship,

it is hard to retain the feelings,

to maintain the same level of trust and understanding,

to be able to communicate with same familiarity and closeness


Anonymous said...

You're not the only one. . .

diLo said...

Yes KK!
I am glad you share similar views.

Thats the nature of Mankinds, isn't it ?!
To be able to truly appreciate the value
only after it has been lost ~
only after it has been broken ~
only after lessons have been learnt ~

Just like time can't be turn back,
so are the wounds and injuries and broken pieces !