Monday, July 16, 2007

those days i went silent

Friday the 13th
>has been so overwhelming
(now i know why this day -FRIDAY THE THIRTEEN has been associated with bad luck all these years..even to those not-so-superstitious ones)

Saturday the 14th
>has been easy going, "enjoyable"

Sunday the 15th
>has not been the best day I would love to call it but nevertheless its "do-able" (a term not found in dictionary but only from the mouths people in singapore)

Actually, tell the truth, this is the fourth blog page I have set up.
The previous three hands-on have been too much of un-satisfactory and of too little "attraction" for me to keep me going with the writing. All 3 could not survie more than 3 posts. Thats really too bad right?

And to go to a deeper truth, I don't think all my blog sites were known to people until I "open" mu golden mouth to say.
Maybe because I am more of a perfectionist or perhaps I am surrounded by all the "pros" of this blogging field, I can't bring myself to "announce" this "birth of my simple shabby site.

But being a stronger believer of TRYING, I will and I shall and I must do a good job out of this site!


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