Monday, July 30, 2007


The human mind is very fickle
But what is a fickle mind?

the mind that "continuously runs after fleeting things";
the mind that "does not know the way";
the mind "intoxicated with worldly love and emotional attachment";
the mind "entangled in a dream" (illusion, ignorance or absence of the Self-knowledge);
the mind that is " foolish, thoughtless" (without understanding);
the mind that "does not remain stable";
the mind that remains "unsatisfied, and begs for more";

I am not sure what it is but ...
When white clouds appear, the sun is usually hidden from our vision. However, when the same clouds disappear, the sun shines forth from behind them. Clouds come and go, but the sun remains the same...
I hope too that my mind will be stable and steady over with time.
For fickleness has earned me nothing but trouble and wrong mentality plus the bonus of making the worst decision of my life which I will have to live in regret for the rest of my life!

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