Tuesday, February 5, 2008

happy Reunion!

在新的一年裡誠心的祝福我的朋友 :
開開心心 ! 工作順利 !! 身體健康!
...祝您在新的一年,一帆風順,二龍騰飛,三羊開泰,四季平安,五福臨門, 六六大順,七星高照,八方來財,九九同心,十全十美,百事亨通,千事吉祥,萬事如意!!! 鼠年行大運!

Happy M ickey Mouse Year!
ps: this is hand made by me..duh!i mean the packing..not the orange of coz..hehee..

"Returning to mother's home"

President Hu Jintao made this paper-cut when visiting northwestern Chinese villagers in February for the traditional Lunar New Year celebrations. Cutting red paper into intricate images often displayed on home windows is a traditional Chinese craft still popular in many parts of the countryside. ..
wishing those..who is home for reunion..to have a goodie enjoyable time! yeh!


Thyda said...

you have a sense of art. how beautiful pkg is!!

Khin said...

happy new year

diLo said...

*sis Thyda,
thx 4 ur praise!
hee..me is such a person, despite such tight busy schedule, still love to do such silly things..keke..

actually,when we go visit ppl,its more economical n innovative to bring oranges as wrapped instead of carrying them in toz tiny paper bag!

*sis May,
Hoat!happy new year..pull ur ear :P ..kekee