Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ladies Day (29th Feb - - TOMORROW)

Well, as you all know that this year 2008 is the Leap Year, the long waited extra day in the month of Feb (The LOVE month)! I have known the extraordinary fact of this special day but I’ll save the history part and present the summarized aspect here instead.

" The purpose of a leap year is to align the calendar year with the astronomical year.
While the calendar year holds 365 days, it actually takes the earth 365.2422 days to revolve around the sun. This extra six hours a year can add up to 24 hours on the fourth year. However, adding an extra day every four years is actually too much of a correction (hence the need for the rules about being divisible by 400 versus 100). No calendar is perfect, but the Gregorian seems to work fairly well. And aaccording to this Gregorian calendar, the universal calendar used by most modern countries, the following three criteria determine which years will be leap years:
  • Every year that is divisible by 4 is a leap year;
  • of those years, if it can be divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year,
  • unless the year is divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year.

Leap years come but once every 4 years. And the most interesting thing about it is the traditions linking to this day. Although the versions from England and Ireland or other country may differ but the gist of it is that on Feb 29th the girl can propose to her man or the man that she has set her eyes upon. In today’s context, it can also be seen as a day meant for women to ask any men out on a date and the (chosen one) men cannot refuse for it has been known to bring bad luck on the men who reject. So ladies, if you have a special man in your life, you might want to take this chance to ask him to go on a date with you. I’m sure if the guy is nice enough, gentlemen enough and free, he wouldn’t mind the date. Ek -_* (wink) Or else, you might have to wait till 2012(the next leap year) to get another chance. I believe in trying and since this is no harm, why not have ago on this day?

Because 29th fall on Friday, perhaps not much time for a date but if you want, I think you can catch the movie “The Leap Years” by local production..with your the other half :P
There is mixture of both good and bad reviews bout it. . But the choice is yours..hope you will enjoy this day ~!
The Leap Years (2008)



Anonymous said...

I hope I be dated tomorrow.

tayzar said...

Wow, Cool for ladies but not for us =) Is there any date for Men? =)

Thyda said...

hinn..I dont wanna celebrate Ladies Day, then.