Thursday, August 23, 2007


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for those of you going through a rough patch, here's a gentle reminder wait upon have faith and patience bid the time.. and to believe that there is a greater and better plan for you. learning patience is tough, and cultivating faith is even harder; but the fruits of your labor will be sweet, so grab on to the hand of a friend, and forge ahead together!

Featuring Clay aiken in this mtv of Corrinne May:


In addition to the music, I would like to share a little story which has been forwarded to me from a friend..even though i am not a christian, i am a believer of faith and cheers to the long moments we have awaited for..and to the time we are make to wait..just for our very own "flower"and "butterfly"to bloom *

The Butterfly and the flower

Once there was a child who asked God for a flower and a butterfly.
But instead God gives her a cactus and a caterpillar.
The little girl was sad for she didn’t understand why her request was mistaken.

Then she thought:
Oh well, God has too many people to care for.. And decided not to question.

After some time, the little girl went to check up on her request that she had left forgotten.
To her surprise, from the thorny and ugly cactus, a beautiful flower had bloomed. And the unsightly caterpillar had been transformed into the most beautiful butterfly.

God always does things right!
His way is ALWAYS the best way even if to us it seems all wrong.
If you asked God for one thing and received another in its place, TRUST.
You can be sure that HE will always give you what you need at the appropriate time.
What you want …
….is not always what you need!

God never fails to grant our petitions, so keep on going for HIM without doubting or murmuring.
Today’s THORN…
Is tomorrow’s FLOWER!

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