Tuesday, May 20, 2008

i wonder..

I believe that for people in love, for those who are in a relationship, it would mean flying high together, reaching for goals with support from one another and to move along in this fast paced high-tech-age at a quicker and energetic speed. For having a life partner would mean not as a burden or an obstacle to achievements and success but as a motivator, supporter, advisor, protector and most of all a companion. One who would despite our defects and weakness can accept us for who we are and give love, care and concern! One who would remain faithful, loyal, trustworthy and understanding! One who would put us in the priority list and not himself or his friends! One who would nearly love us or more than himself.
Am I creating a web of fantasy or is there really existence of such relationship one can create? Can one find such a person, such a motivator, supporter, advisor, protector and a life time companion? I wonder…
With my soft heart and indecisive mindset.. and ordinary looks .. will I be able to meet him ..or has I already have him but like an old granny who keeps looking for her reading glasses when they are in fact on her head all the time?..i wonder..


Thyda said...

very thoughtful post..sister.

I totally agree with you ;

"For having a life partner would mean not as a burden or an obstacle to achievements and success but as a motivator, supporter, advisor, protector and most of all a companion. One who would despite our defects and weakness can accept us for who we are and give love, care and concern! One who would remain faithful, loyal, trustworthy and understanding!"

Anonymous said...

I dont know if what you have posted comes from somewhere else or if it is a real ponderance by you. Anyway, to my opinion, what you expect is a fantasy love which never happens in real life. But you can get close to it. You have to understand that 'With immensed happiness, comes immensed sadness'. If you want to take the happiness, you have to take the sadness as well. And that is what makes life, life.

diLo said...

>>sis thyda,

thx sis :D these are my thoughts..my feelings..just sharing..hopping that special someone will get to read it! *wink*


thx 4 ur comments.
em if u dun i m d original author then i reali know not wat to say anymore..anyway ya i know life..is a mixture..of joy,tears..but then again these are just my thoughts..i m sure there r guys like tat..definitely sure..jus tat whether love is there or not..tats the essential one eh :P

Anonymous said...

Didnt mean that you copied and pasted the post. Some ppl do that and I thought those were thoughts of some great philospher. Anyway, fantasy world is soothing but it is the real world that counts