Wednesday, October 10, 2007

me and nemisis - ONE

Me and my nemisis (ONE)

Cute, cuddly, adorable and loyal are words commonly used to describe them.
soft, furry, sweet, part of the family are what they are usually associated with..
However, to put in laymen's term, they are simply known as “pets”!
But pet lovers simply refuse to use this term and instead choose to give more endearing and humane names.

so who are they?????????????

I must confess I really have nothing againsts them.REALLY. no prejudice, no grudge, eh nope. nothing against these creatures!!!

But whatever it is, I do not want to have anything to do with them. Really nothing at all.
Not in the past, not now nor in the near future!
Coz these dogs are never my-cup-of-tea nor will they ever be on my-list-of-favourite-things!

I have such long histories with them that I can't help but stand a few feets apart whenever i catch sight of them. .I sincerely and deeply wish and hope that they too would leave me alone instead of playing this game of "the-more-i-try-get-away-the-more-i-got-chased-by-them"

Perhaps the solution for this abnormal phobia would be to get myself a young puppy the method of “以毒攻毒” (not sure if i got the words right but what i actually want to say here is to use poison agaisnt poison)..haha..aint i a smarties :P

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