I have always wanted to put my thoughts down, somewhere somehow so that at sometime I could browse back and think back of these memories I have collected.
Yet all these years, I could not, infact I did not take the time nor the effort to fulfill this long-waited-desire of mine. Even when "blogs"are bornt and "blogging"becomes such an ïn""activity, I still could not get myself to do it. I have been taking such own sweet times that I have missed out most of "golden" days in my life.. Perhaps this is the result of my indecisions..which is one of the badies points among the others defects of mine :PActually, frankly speaking, right now, at this moment or what the burmese would call "pyit sote pan"perhaps is not the right time to start this "scrap book"of mine. The reason being I am not in the RIGHT mindset to do so.
But whatever it is, once started I have to follow through it, isn't it?
so here it is..

A beginning step..small but nevertheless a starting..beginning...
Hope whoever is reading this could stick with me throughout my "growing up"journey :)
Su, such a nice and brilliant thoughs and writing. i really like those. keep it up.
hoat kay shin ko zin ko latt,
jay zu bear naw ~
i will keep it going ~
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